Development - 2020
Built website for overnight camping tours and the ability to select different tour options. Animations help guide the user along and well designed UX, adds that extra polish to the site. Implemented custom grid and used media queries for responsive design.
Technologies used: Javascript (ES6+), CSS3, Sass, HTML5 and jQuery.
Development - 2020
Built a dice game that has several buttons providing a dynamic player experience. Players take turns to roll both dice as many times as they wish, adding all rolls results to a running total, but losing their gained score for the turn if they roll a 1. The first player to reach a score of 100, wins the game. Implemented functions, variable declaration and if/else statements.
Technologies used: Javascript (ES6+), CSS3 and HTML5
Development - 2020
Built budgeting App that allows for the calculation of funds and can monitor the percentage of expense to income.
Technologies used: Javascript (ES6+), CSS3 and HTML5
Development - 2020
Built guessing game giving players the ability to play against the site. Game design inspired by classic arcade games. Implemented inline style by manipulating CSS3 and refactoring code.
Technologies used: Javascript (ES6+), CSS3 and HTML5
Design - Development - UI/UX - 2021
Built supplemental covid-19 health history form for dental practice. Patient would login, be given access to form, fill it out and submit questionnaire. The submitted data would be stored in a mongoDB database.
Technologies used: MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, Node.js, NPM, Bootstrap4, Javascript (ES6+), CSS3 and HTML5
Design - Development - UI/UX - 2022
Built website that uses event listeners to pull jokes from API. Users can click the button to pull randomly selected jokes from API. Those jokes at then displayed on the site, for users to enjoy.
Technologies used: Javascript (ES6+), CSS3, JSON and API